Today I celebrate my Six-year Cancerversary!!!
Six years ago, I made the agonizing decision that afforded me my greatest chance for long term survival, removing my breasts. Double Mastectomy without reconstruction.
Living my life flat and fabulous.
I remember hearing those words “you have cancer,” like it was yesterday. Over the course of those weeks, I reassured my kids, friends, and family that it was no big deal, my surgery was going to be a piece of cake. This was a big deal; I was about to completely alter my body in a drastic way.
Cancer is a BIG DEAL, no matter what stage or what type…it’s a HUGE DEAL!!
Just because I removed my boobs and that I am cancer free, does not mean that it is over.
Just the other day, I found myself becoming very emotional, and I noticed this has been a pattern over the last six years leading up to my Cancerversary. I thought I processed all of those emotions. I have come to realize that I have unresolved feelings and emotions that still require my attention. I realize that there is that part of myself that still needs a gentle hug, that reassurance and nurturing, especially when those waves of emotions come flooding back unexpectedly out of nowhere. I learned that deep down I am still grieving the loss of my breasts and the woman I once was, all while I embrace the woman that I have been evolving into and self-loving for for the last six years. The one feeling that has gotten me through my darkest moments is gratitude, being thankful. For being filled with thanks is the same as being full of love!
Celebrating this milestone every year may seem superfluous to some, but to me it is a significant, personal, overwhelmingly wonderful celebration and acknowledgement of my fearless journey. A celebration of a moment in time that tried to break me, but instead it ended up breaking me open. It broke me open to a beautiful acceptance and natural self-love that I have long craved my entire life.
Six years ago today, I beat Breast Cancer, which has propelled me on my journey of self-love...for that I am forever grateful.
I have been so blessed these past years to have all of your support, whether you just joined me on my journey, or you have been with me from the start, maybe you bopped in for a short while and left. No matter when or how your love and support has made a world of difference to me.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share my journey with you. I love you all!!
Never Lose your Sparkle!
Sending Love and Hugs, always!!! T 'n' T, that Dynamite Team!!!😍💖